ISS Group Meeting Activities
Group Meeting in Ranibas, Matela, Lekhparajul, Dahachaur, Ghatgaun
Covid-19 Response and Socio-economic Recovery Project
This project was implemented by ISS surkhet in support of Birendranagar Municipality and UNDP in wa
Cleaning Campaign in Birendranagar
The campaign was focused on approaching the masses such that maximum population is covered as well a

Vermic Bin Construction
Construction of Vermic Bin By Local Under the project of Promoting Green Recovery

Public toilet Construction (Community Infrastructure Development” in Birendranagar Municipality, Surkhet)
. Under the title of "Community Infrastructure Development" ISS is awarded to implement this project

Bus park cleaning campaign
आज मिति २०७८/०९/०१ गतेका दिन वीरेन्द्रनगर नगरपालिका,बि.न.पा. वडा नं ६ को वडा कार्यालय , UNDP र अन्तर

Waste Campaign Rally
To sensitize traveler and shops Interdependent Society Surkhet had organized various meeting and ral

Roadside Plantation, Installation of waste bin and resting station
The photos of dustbin, resting station and plants

PGRP activities
In the coordination with Birendranagar Municipality and funded by UNDP, Interdependent Society Surkh

Covid 19 Green Recovery Project - Gurbhakot
In coordination with UNDP and in partnership with Gurbhakot Municipality, Interdependent Society Sur
Reproductive Health/UPRP
This Project was supported by all we can UK from 2007 to 2017. Its main aim is to reduce discriminat